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Event Series Event Series: BraveMaker Podcast

BraveMaker Podcast with R.J. Daniel Hanna

October 10, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

This is a podcast with and for movie lovers, filmmakers, writers, actors and brave makers of all kinds. You’ll hear actors dramatically read scripts and get back stories behind why and how brave movers and shakers create culture shaping work. It’s all about the brave stories behind brave making. We believe we can build relationships and find collaborators with the power of social media. Consider each of our guests as potential partners and future creative collaborators.

Watch live (or on replay) on our Youtube channel.

Meet our GUEST: filmmaker R.J. Daniel Hanna

An Irish/Canadian/Arkansan, R.J. Daniel Hanna never quite knew where he belonged until he moved to Hollywood. His lauded indie HARD MILES (Matthew Modine, Sean Astin) played 600 screens in the US and UK. His previous film MISS VIRGINIA landed deals with BET and Netflix. His new film, SUCCUBUS (Ron Perlman, Rosanna Arquette) breaks all the rules. He’s a proud Academy Nicholl Fellow for Screenwriting.


October 10, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
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