New short film announcement! Currently in its second season, BraveMaker Academy is set for a September 2024 production. Each year, (called seasons to mirror the style of television), the BraveMaker Academy hosts four sessions (called episodes), for actors and...
The BraveMaker Blog
Blog posts by Tony Gapastione
Sacred Roots
Burning Pride
Film Fest Panels DO’s and DON’TS
I just came back from screening one of our new shorts in Los Angeles for the Pasadena International Film Festival, (PIFF), ironically not held in Pasadena but in North Hollywood at the NoHo 7 Laemmle Theater. It was a great night but not without its awkward moments,...
Producers get the job done
What do producers do again? EVERY.THING. I recently finished producing a new short film with our BraveMaker Academy. It was so fun. I started a producer workshop and had a great crew of people working on INFECTIOUS THEATRE, a mockumentary I wrote that will be out some...
We need time to NOT create.
I don't like it. I don't like NOT creating. I don't like not doing stuff. It's somehow ingrained in me to work and work too much. That's NOT HEALTHY. Captain obvious, I know. This challenge is common for many. It comes from being a creative freelancer, an indie...
Behind the Scenes of feature film LAST CHANCE CHARLENE featuring actor Alley Mills
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