New short film announcement! Currently in its second season, BraveMaker Academy is set for a September 2024 production. Each year, (called seasons to mirror the style of television), the BraveMaker Academy hosts four sessions (called episodes), for actors and...
The BraveMaker Blog
Updates from the BraveMaker Team
We need time to NOT create.
I don't like it. I don't like NOT creating. I don't like not doing stuff. It's somehow ingrained in me to work and work too much. That's NOT HEALTHY. Captain obvious, I know. This challenge is common for many. It comes from being a creative freelancer, an indie...
Speed Date Me
Looking for love? I wrote a script about it and it became one of our last short films of the year. Our most recent BraveMaker Academy short film is in the can! Which means we made it through production and editing, (post-production), has commenced. All of our...
Limitations don’t need to limit creativity.
I audition. I hear nothing. Or even worse...I don't get to audition and watch my other friends book film roles, print ads, commercials and more. I'm happy for them, I think, (wink, wink) but I also wish it was me. Can you relate? I hear NO, a lot. A LOT. I've been...
Creatives have specialties
Tony Gapastione interviews Priscilla Lam. For my blog this month I wanted our fellow BraveMaker community to get to know (actor/producer/red carpet host) Priscilla Lam a bit better. I like how she's exploring not only working in her lane, but expanding her...
Handling Rejection: 5 Tips for Actors
They say we actors book one job out of every 100 auditions. This figure can vary greatly in either direction depending on a myriad of factors, but the point is, actors face a ton of rejection. To add insult to injury, we rarely receive a formal rejection. We don’t...
4 Red Flags You’re Not Serious About Your Craft: Actors’ Edition
(and 4 easy ways you can turn those red flags green). “You’re not ready.” Cue gut punch. Have you heard that phrase before? Not fun. And no one wants to hear it. But it can be helpful if we are humble enough to acknowledge we have work to do. Actors! Are...
Five tips to be the best PA you can be
Being an actor can be difficult. Correction, it is difficult. Ask anyone who has ever wanted to be in a movie, a TV show, a short film, a play, a musical, or anything that has to do with performing and getting paid. As an actor, you are pitted against so many others...
Six steps to creating a passion-filled virtual fundraiser
Funds. Every organization needs them, no matter what kind: animal shelters, Planned Parenthood, Everytown for Gun Safety, food banks, and even BraveMaker. They all need money to continue doing their important work. The problem is raising the money. It can be hard to...
5 Reasons you should make a short film now
In September 2022, I volunteered as a crossing guard at my kids' school. It wasn't because I wanted to but they were in need as the school was short handed (seems like too many of them are). The street that my kids and hundreds of others had to cross daily was...